
Showing posts from March, 2020

New learnings

It's Week 4 of Work from home (WFH). I'm now senior to most of my friends who are about a week old at WFH. I also had the advantage of preparing myself (only partially though!) for this contingency, as it was self- imposed unlike most others. In March, I started on my venture after quitting a full time job, with the primary objective of doing something worthwhile without having to go to office every day. It started off well, with a proper plan of working 10 to 3, with umpteen unconditional breaks. But the thought that the credit to bank account will happen, only if I really do something brought me back to my seat. I had set up a table and chair in the least distracting room, which had the luxury of a fan, a window-side seat and chargers. I read blogs written by several startup founders who claimed they started in a garage or store room. I took breaks to attend to chores and when my daughter came home from school, and she bestowed kisses upon me for my presence. It was