
Showing posts from December, 2020

Maas-salaama 2020!

  2020, what a fancy number! A fancy-number-fanatic would have paid a handsome sum to obtain such a number for his vehicle. But lo, this very same number has been subjected to so many memes for its notoriety. 'What went wrong for you in 2020'? Most of us would have a unanimous answer. Let's tweak it a bit; I like to count my blessings: 'What went right for you in 2020?' In the first month of 2020, I visited Kolkata with family and friends to attend the wedding of my bestie. Kolkata had been on my travel list for a long time, being the only metro I haven't visited. The visit to the City of Joy had indeed been a blessing in disguise, which we all cherish till date for multiple reasons. That's the last time I boarded a flight, attended a wedding, stayed at a hotel and had food at a restaurant! Not to forget the Big fat Bengali wedding, the hospitality extended by the family, the Sangeeth, the midnight Muhurath, delicious food and all the fun. Having food a