Mindfully Doing Nothing
I had a chance to listen to one of Dr.Saundarya's sessions in the series "Discussions with the Career Doctor". She spoke of Mindfully 'Doing Nothing' and its psychological benefits. She did mention that it was quite a challenging task, particularly for women who are trained to always do something useful, and more so useful for others. I had always thought successful people did something every second in their life. So this contrary idea sounded interesting and I wanted to give it a go. When I asked my friends about this, they said they were doing it. When asked what they did when 'doing nothing', one said she sleeps, one said she scrolls through Insta feeds, another said she does online shopping and comparing prices between Amazon and Myntra. I had to turn Grammar teacher to explain that sleeping, scrolling, shopping were all action words, they were not 'doing nothing'. As advised in the session I decided to try a 15 minute slot of ...