
Showing posts from March, 2019

Eve's Dream

I read an interesting article written by a woman, in the same lines as the thoughts that were running in my mind. She spoke of the insecurity in the minds of men today about the women who surround their lives. The fear among some men about their genuine words, actions and gestures that may be misunderstood or misinterpreted as harassment. So today's blog is dedicated to the men who sincerely feel and treat women as equals. (I know this comes as a shocker to those of you who call me a feminist!!) When I look around and open my eyes, what I see is that there is an equal or proportionate number of women (as men) everywhere, going to work, running a trade etc. This would not have been possible, but for the men in their families. When I see fathers and grandfathers taking care of kids in parks, while their mother's away at work, I can't help acknowledging that times have changed. The TV ads that depict men changing diapers for babies and husbands clearing dishes from t