
Showing posts from 2024

A Piece of Me

The title may sound a bit weird, but read on.  It was a lazy night after an early-dinner. The news channels had found their new prey and were having a great time picking at the fallen idols, and driving viewers crazy in the process.  It's been a long time since I did anything creative, so I went hunting on my daughter's table (that is where all the creative stuff is treasured these days). Luckily I managed to find a black drawing pen in the huge treasure trunk. Being Janmashtami day, I sat to draw a quick portrait of my beloved Little Krishna. There was a time when as a child I adored drawing Krishna pictures, he is just so cute I would say. And as I grew up the lazy me moved on to Lord Ganesha, the flexible God who could take shape with just a few curved lines and strokes. The portrait was quick, but I didn't like the result. So I called the little art expert for comments. She looked at me with a smirk, and said give it to me I'll make it right. As usual I

My dream for my daughter

As a kid, I always wished I was a boy, so I could choose any 'profession I wanted', go out 'where I wanted' to and return 'when I wanted' to. Being a boy meant living life without too many boundaries.  Today, times are changing, and I'm happy this world is a better place for my daughter. I hope she would be able to live like a boy rather than wish she was a boy. There are a lot of efforts being taken to allow women into every other profession and sports, to make places safer for women and to enable them to step out of their homes irrespective of the time. The theme for International Women’s Day 2024 is ‘Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress’ meaning to focus on supporting and investing in women to make things better for everyone. Investing in women, be it at home or at work will reap the benefits not just for the investor and the woman, but for the nation at large.  Finally, a word to parents of young girls, we need not remind them that they will