Happy Women’s Day???
I would say it is another of those “Days”
which holds very little relevance in our country. Corporates and institutions
celebrate the day with competitions and parties for their female employees,
women who consider themselves free and independent may indulge in partying too
to celebrate womanhood. But can you actually look around and swear that India
is a safe country for women? I quote Jawaharlal Nehru who said you
can tell the condition of a nation by looking at the status of its women. If
that is the case, India is in a very sad state.
don’t deny that a large percentage of women have actually achieved economic and
social independence over these years, and most of you women reading this note
belong to that fortunate category. I am not writing here about the unfortunate
unborn females or the illiterate women in our villages or the many other
injustices that are meted out to women. I write here about an issue that
concerns all women, for the simple reason that you are one. Women have always been considered as an
instrument of pleasure by men (I am talking about 80% of the men in our country,
so if you are a man denying my statistics, please consider yourself in the 20%
and keep reading!) As a result they are being raped, tortured, molested or simply
mocked at. Sometimes even the wicked look of men can make women feel miserable.
And this is not restricted to villages or remote places; it is actually
widespread in the metros and large cities. You can come across this 80% of the
men everyday; in your workplace, on the roads, in the buses, when you are
shopping, and the list goes on.
what has this resulted in? Women either live with it or shun such situations by
depending on the men in their family to accompany them wherever they go. It is
horrifying to note that some young women from remote locations or other
countries fail to pursue their careers or higher education in the Indian cities
as there is no proper security in place. Every day we get to hear about women
being raped or assaulted in major cities. Instead of discussing how to eliminate
these tormentors from the society, people debate on the attire of the victim, which
according to them has led to such a situation. Are they acknowledging that
there are wild animals out there on the roads that will attack on sighting
flesh? So it is up to women to protect themselves by rather not coming out of
their houses alone? Is there nothing the government and the law can do about
this menace which has made life difficult for women? The government may on this
special day announce some schemes for women, which will assure them the
much-regarded votes in the next election. But the state of our country’s
security is still a question mark.
as my note, like this special day, will not bring any change in the country or
the state of its women; let me wish you all a Happy Women’s day. As you immerse
yourself in the celebrations, do not forget to watch out for those two-legged
wild animals that may be around looking for its prey! Men who feel miserable
when other men are being called so, kindly also think about how miserable their
victims feel.
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