A big deal... indeed

Today, the 5th of March 2017 was a special day; not least because it happens to be my birthday, but because it was my little one's first step into the big wide world, all by herself. I mean it was her first day of pre-school. Many of you might think 'What big deal??'.. But it was indeed a big deal, atleast for the kid and more so for the parents.

The preparations started almost a couple of months back, pondering over when would be the right time to put her to school, followed by strategic decisions like which school, analysis of various other factors like timing, transportation, references etc etc. And then the week-long preparation of getting uniforms stitched, alterations, shopping for black shoes and white socks, purple bag, Spider-man water bottle. You just can't afford to neglect the choices of the show stopper.

On the eve of the D-day, while mamma was pondering over anything that might have been missed out, papa is staring down at the little busy bee, wondering whether his little princess is big enough to go to school yet. Mamma sits down and repeats for the nth time 'Baby, mamma will drop you in school... and... ' Baby is obviously bored and hastily says 'I will not cry for mamma.. I will be a good girl.. I will not pull anything from my friends.. I will say please give me.. ' She couldnt have been sweeter, I can't think of a better way to say 'Mamma, please leave me alone'.

And after the hassles of a failed attempt at putting baby to sleep early at night and joint efforts to woo baby to get ready for school early in the morning, the trio landed in school well before time. Both of us were left staring at each other when she just walked away to the teacher and said she wanted to go inside, without even turning to say goodbye. We waited outside the gate for sometime, hoping but not wishing to hear from her. A little surprised, we both departed our ways.

I called up the teacher after a few hours and was advised to pick her early, today being her first day. The pink-cheeked red-eyed girl ran towards me. She hugged me tight and said 'I like the school and I was a good girl, but I missed you mamma..And i won't cry tomorrow..'
Well, that's a big deal coming from a two and half year old 's mouth.


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