A dreamy fairy tale...

It was 9.20 pm, the time of the day I cherish the most. That's the only time of the day I give my undivided attention to my little one and vice versa. Her heavy eyelids told me she would doze off in a few minutes. This is the only time the busy bee is still and quiet and actually hears every word that I utter. She loves to listen to fairy tales, supernatural stories, tales from the jungle and her favourite story of how she was born. When God appeared before Vivek and Remya and gifted them a little angel. I could see the sparkle in her drowsy eyes in the dark. This is again a challenging moment when I have to squeeze my brains and creativity to tell her new tales.

Sometimes, on lucky days I get to hear tales of how she met her fairy Godmother (yes that's me). One of the many bonuses of being the mom of a drama queen is where you swap places and she plays the mom, grooming me and putting me to sleep, and of course chiding me for being disobedient. I must say I thoroughly enjoy every moment of this part of her childhood, and I wish I could press the pause button here. I would miss all this when she grows up.

I had read somewhere that talking kids to sleep is a very healthy thing to do. I have tried that ever since and it really works. The time just before sleep, when you are all set to wind up for the day should be relaxing. This is my own stress buster too. I tell my little one how lucky I feel about having her in my life, just how her presence has made my life so beautiful. She gleams with pride and repeats the same to me. Its so important to actually tell our kids what we feel about them. Not just that, I tell her why I sometimes scold her, why it's important not to stare into the Tv and all the umpteen advises I have been telling her throughout the day and she quietly listens to all this. She reassures me that she would never do anything I don't like and I pretend to believe her (this is where I'm reminded of  Vikram and Betaal) I don't have to tell you who the Betaal is!!

All these little experiences are just pages in our book called life. When my memory starts fading, I would like to revisit these pages and live those moments again.


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