My Little Teacher

It all started as an attempt to distract Aditi away from the cartoon. I told her we will draw something. "You name it and I'll draw it for you, that's the game." Little did I realise that this was going to be a gargantuan challenge. I had clearly underestimated my mighty opponent.
"Ok, we ll go for it" she said.
I pulled out my notepad and pencil, thrilled at getting some time to sit and relax rather than run behind her.
"Gorilla... "
"Draw a gorilla", the 4 year old demanded.
"Uhhh!?, that's a bit complicated for me, how about a monkey?" She nodded her consent and I scribbled something which a lenient teacher would agree was an animal,with some features of a monkey.
"A monkey's eyes look like this!?"
I couldn't really visualise, I made up my mind to Google the image of a monkey and check how it's eyes looked like.
"Ok, cockroach next".
"Wow, that's a good choice". I was excited as I remember having drawn cockroach at school. But when my pencil touched paper, I realised I could recollect only the shape of it. And of course the antenna. I wished I had taken record books and practicals more seriously. The aspiring commerce student then had no clue of future challenges awaiting her. "Ok How's this?" she stared at me with a smirk, clearly disappointed with the result. "Only spider has 8 legs, not cock roach". I didn't know what to say, "Can you think of anything other than animals, things like apple, tree, ball.. Something your age?"
"But you are big Mama", bang came the reply.
Needless to say, I preferred to keep quiet.
I was thankful she couldn't read sentences, if only she knew I had called myself an artist on my blog page!
The lesson for me was to be more observant and start looking at objects more closely. I can think of so many things I see everyday but if I were asked to draw it I would have no clue where to start.
The learning continues, after years of formal education, this new source of gyan is keeping me on my toes and thanks to Google and smart phones, I can make an attempt to catch up with my smarter counterpart.


  1. Lol... so true !! Kids make you feel like you are a contestant in bournvita Quiz contest!! 😁

  2. That is part of your ‘growing up’ as a parent. You are lucky to have information on your fingertips until Aditi learns to do that on her own. You would miss this period when that happens. Make the most of this as this is your only chance (the second one would learn from the first!) -Krishnakumar


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