The Musings of a Vagabond

The morning sun is shining bright, the little sparrows are chirping merrily. My little soul, the vagabond that it has always been has set foot in new shores. I can't call it new though, this place had been home for about five years not too long ago. When I left Muscat five years back, I never dreamt I would be back here, but life has its way of throwing surprises. I wonder if its purely coincidental or there is a purpose that the universe and stars understand better. I am made to revisit my previous abodes, equipped with learnings and experiences that come with age, and ofcourse an inquisitive little eight year old and a travel-freak partner.

When I had the chance to revisit and relive in Chennai, it was pure bliss. I met the same people and went to the same places, and couldn't help noticing the changes. When I took a step back and looked at life through a window, I was surprised by the changes in certain elements and the lack of changes in certain others. The bliss came from the fact that I had a little shadow constantly following me, either in person or in thoughts. It was like I had the chance to show her all that she had heard in her bedtime tales. It was a new-found opportunity life had granted to show her my school, my office, my friends, my books, my old paintings, my favourite hang-out places.... and the list goes on. For her, it was magical as she met characters and places she heard in her tales. I wonder how much they were different from her own imagination.

Now as life takes me to my next abode, its again a revisit to relive old memories and create new ones. My little champ is all too excited exploring characters and places, the old-tale ones and new. Her first home, first school, favourite hang-out places make this abode and experience all the more exciting, and hopefully blissful.

As we sift through life with new experiences and our huge bundle of memories, what never changes is nature with its sun never failing to wake up, birds never forgetting to chirp and cheer, the waves that are never tired of moving back and forth, the stars that never cease to dazzle and lighten up the night sky and indeed people, old and new who never cease to amuse and cheer. 


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